1bg Spins Off to Dedicate Resources to Industrial Business
Active Website, LLC DBA booj, a Denver-based web technology firm, today announced a plan to separate its materials management and industrial marketing business from their real estate technology business. The result of the spin off will be two independent and highly focused private companies.
The managing partners completed a strategic review of the company and, unanimously agreed by separating booj into two separate, segment-focused companies they could substantially enhance and add greater value to their industries. “We believe that our decision to spin off will enable the two businesses to compete more effectively in their respective markets by providing industry focus to each product offering” said Ori Staub.
1bg’s mission is to provide sophisticated web technology and technical marketing to its industrial waste clients. The company will focus on serving the needs of their industrial clients to increase revenue and improve efficiencies. 1bg will comprise the same team and offer the same top-level customer service and training to all clients.